Privacy Policy

Legal Disclaimer

The information made available on this site is provided by McIntyre & Associates Professional Corporation (MAPC) to offer general information of interest. This information is not intended to replace or serve as a substitute for any accounting, tax or other professional advice or service. Please consult with a MAPC professional.

Third-party links are provided as a convenience to our users. MAPC does not control and is not responsible for any of these sites.

MAPC Online Privacy Statement

MAPC only uses your personally identifiable information to respond to your requests and to provide you with information about our services. For example, if you send us an email requesting information about MAPC, we will use your email address and other information you supply to respond to your request. If we intend to use your personal information to inform you about other services, we will notify you and give you an opportunity to decline to receive such communications.

If you send us a resume or curriculum vitae (CV) to apply online for a position with MAPC, we will use the information provided to match you with available opportunities.

We will only retain the personal information that you provide to us for as long as it is necessary to fulfill the purposes for which the information was collected or as required by law. We do not share personal information with third parties except when necessary to carry out our business or as required by law or other legal processes. We will never sell your personal information.

We recognize our responsibility for protecting the online privacy of your personal information. Should you have any questions or comments about our administration of your personal information, please contact us at You may also use this address to communicate any concerns you may have regarding compliance with our Online Privacy Policy.

McIntyre & Associates Privacy Policy

MAPC has always respected the privacy rights of our clients and our employees and has always been committed to protecting all personal information in our possession. This Privacy Policy has been developed to provide guidelines for how we collect, use and disclose the personal information required to fulfill our professional responsibilities and operate our business.

While MAPC has always taken the privacy and confidentiality of our clients and our employees very seriously, the Privacy Policy clearly defines our ongoing commitment to protecting privacy rights. In demonstrating our commitment to respecting privacy and protecting personal information, our goal is to respond to the requirements of the law, and to be responsive to our clients and our employees.

Principle 1

We are accountable for the personal information in our possession.
MAPC is accountable for all personal information in our possession or control. This includes any personal information received directly or indirectly. We have established policies and procedures designed to protect personal information. A Privacy Officer has been appointed to oversee privacy issues. We have also educated our employees and associates about our Privacy Policy and their role in protecting your personal information. If you have questions about our privacy practices, you are free to contact our Privacy Officer, Brent Hiscoe at or at 613-729-8368.

Principle 2

MAPC will inform you why we are collecting your personal information when the information is collected.

Client Information
In most instances, MAPC will collect, use or disclose personal information only for the purpose of providing you with professional services. Each engagement letter includes an explanation of why we require information, how it will be used and with whom it may be shared.

Personal information may be shared internally during the performance of quality reviews or in order to allow us to offer services or products that may be of interest to you.

Employee Information
We collect personal information from our employees in order to pay them, comply with laws, provide them with benefits, as well as to improve on programs, policies and employee relations.

We also collect personal information from individuals seeking employment with MAPC.

Principle 3

MAPC will collect, use or disclose personal information about you only with your informed consent.
How will we ask for consent?

Client Personal Information
Each engagement letter documents the terms and conditions of every professional services engagement. These terms and conditions discuss how MAPC may use and disclose personal information. By signing the engagement letter, consent is being provided for the collection, use and disclosure described in the terms and conditions.

Employee Information
Forms and applications used to provide human resources-related services to employees will describe the purposes for which personal information is required and with whom it will be shared. They will also allow for employees to consent to the collection, use and disclosure as described.

Employment candidates will also be advised of the purposes for which their personal information is being collected and will be provided an opportunity to consent to the collection, use and disclosure as described.

What happens if you choose not to give us your consent or you choose to withdraw your consent at a later date?
You can always choose to not provide consent for the collection, use and distribution of your personal information. You also have the option of withdrawing your consent at a later date.

Where a client chooses not to provide consent to collect, use or disclose personal information, we may not have sufficient information to provide them with services. Where an employee or candidate for employment chooses not to consent to collect, use or disclose personal information, we may not be able to employ them or provide them with benefits.

Principle 4

MAPC limits the amount and type of personal information we collect.
Where possible, we will limit the collection of client and employee personal information to that which is necessary to provide our services or operate our business.

Principle 5

MAPC will use and disclose your personal information only for the purposes for which we have your consent. We will keep personal information only as long as necessary to accomplish these purposes.

Use of personal information

If we intend to use your personal information for a purpose not previously identified to you, we will obtain your prior consent.

However, we may use personal information without consent for the purpose of acting in respect of an emergency that threatens the life, health or security of an individual. We may also disclose personal information without consent:

  • To comply with a subpoena, a warrant or an order made by a court or other body with appropriate jurisdiction or to comply with rules of conduct required by regulatory bodies;
  • To a government institution that has identified its lawful authority and requested the information, and indicates that disclosure is for the purpose of enforcing, investigating, or gathering intelligence relating to any federal, provincial or foreign law; or suspects that the information relates to national security or the conduct of international affairs; or is for the purpose of administering any federal or provincial law; and,
  • To an investigative body or government institution on our initiative when we believe the information concerns a breach of an agreement, or a contravention of a federal, provincial, or foreign law, or we suspect the information relates to national security or the conduct of international affairs.

Retention of Personal Information
We keep a record of the work that we perform in compliance with professional standards. This record, known as “working papers”, may include personal information. Working papers are protected against inappropriate access, as discussed under Principle “7”. In accordance with employment laws and standards, MAPC retains personal information about current and past employees. Personal information collected from individuals seeking employment with MAPC will be retained by MAPC indefinitely so that MAPC may contact them about other positions that may be of interest.

Principle 6

MAPC will endeavor to keep accurate the personal information in our possession or control. In order to provide clients with a professional level of service and employees with appropriate benefits, the personal information collected must be accurate, complete and current. From time to time, we may request updated personal information. You are encouraged to advise us of any changes to your personal information that may be relevant to the services we are providing to you.

In the event that a client needs to update their personal information, they are encouraged to contact their engagement director. Should employees and candidates need to update their personal information, they are required to contact Human Resources.

Principle 7

MAPC protects personal information with safeguards appropriate to the sensitivity of the information.
Personal information is protected by using physically secure facilities, security tools and practices that meet industry standards, and clearly defined internal policies and procedures. Security measures are in place to protect the loss, misuse and alteration of the information under our control.

Personal information collected is stored in secure operating environments that are not accessible to the public (e.g., restricted access premises, locked rooms and filing cabinets). To prevent unauthorized electronic access to personal information, we maintain information collected in a secure environment.

Principle 8

MAPC will be open about the procedures used to manage your personal information.
The most current version of our Privacy Policy is available at You may also obtain a copy by contacting our office at or at 613-729-8368.

Principle 9

At your request, MAPC will advise you of what personal information we have in our possession or control about you, what it is being used for, and to whom and why it has been disclosed.
Each client has the right to review and obtain a copy of their personal information on record in our individual offices by contacting their engagement director. Employees have the right to review and obtain copies of their personal information on record by contacting Human Resources. You will receive a response to your request within 30 days in most instances. Should you have any concerns about the access provided to you, please contact our Privacy Office at or at 613-729-8368.

Principle 10

You may challenge MAPC’s compliance with this Privacy Policy.
MAPC will respond to individual complaints and questions relating to privacy and we will investigate and attempt to resolve all complaints. To challenge compliance with this Policy, please forward your concerns in writing to our Privacy Officer. The Privacy Officer will ensure that a complete investigation of your complaint has been undertaken and will report their findings to you in most instances within 30 days. We understand that protecting your privacy is important to you. That is why it is so important to us. If you have any questions of concerns about your privacy and how we are protecting it, please contact our Privacy Officer at or at 613-729-8368.